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Showing posts from June, 2015

Fun times

Recently my cousin came out to see me. We have had an amazing time playing with horses, cows, and many laughs. These two weeks have been the best of 2015 this far. I am sad I am flying her home tomorrow but happy I get to see more of my family!

Lesson learned from a week old Calf.

I learned something for a week old calf yesterday that I really needed to know. We were loading the cows (three semi loads) on to the truck. Once the bigger calves where loaded we started with the littler ones. My 12 year old cousin wanted to push the little guy up the ramp. As she was you could tell he was scared to death to be walking away from mom. But he kept putting one little hoof in front of the other. He looked around the top deck of the truck, kicked a few time (thankfully never hit my cousin, me on the other hand have some tiny bruises on my shine), and got his little compartment, laid down and just waited. The lesson I learned is that we have to go on new roads and yes they can be scary we don’t always have someone there to hold our hand the whole way. But like this little guy we have to trust it will end well and keep on trucking. I am happy to say that when we unloaded he was much livelier and bounded of the semi like the longhorn he is. This morning while having my co

Market and City News

Market outlook The market in the Cripple Creek-Victor area is looking like it is off to a strong start for the month of June. Many people are selling second homes and there seems to be plenty of people in the market. Lower prices that other area’s is helping bring in the buyer’s. City news With a change in the Cities from a gambling focus to a more family friendly area is creating great interest in the area. Many great new family friendly features are being added to the area, such as more park and rec activities, the Heritage center which is putting on great programs this year, and of course the local favorite the Butte Theater is back with great melodramas and plays that start this month and continue through Christmas!

One foot infront of the other

Working for a goal even if it feels like the world is against you! Some days it does feel like the world is out to swallow you whole. I have been dealing with that feeling for about 2 months now. My doctor has been, as I feel, like a test pig. It does mess with me and my moods. I have had to push me to the point where I sometimes wonder if I will tell myself to take a long walk of a short pier. The fact that I was raised to never give up, to work even if you’re not feeling the best, and (my Dad’s favorite saying) it is better to look good than feel good. During the past month I have managed to meet a few larges goals for me, such as getting a few deals done, riding more, and starting to landscape the yard. It has been a rough journey and some of my goals are being pushed back a month or two I know that one day I will reach them even if not when I intended. By keeping to put one foot in front of the other it makes it easier for me to navigate the path ahead to reach those goal