Home Prices in Cripple Creek & Victor CO for April 2019
Real estate market data for Cripple Creek Victor CO provided by Ruth Grainger-Starr of Grainger Realy LLC,
CC-V Home Prices
We have seen prices increase for the month of April on home prices in Cripple Creek & Victor while inventory decreased. If you are considering buying or selling a home in Cripple Creek or Victor area having a good real estate agent who understands the market is a must.
If you are interested in how much current inventory is on the market in the CC-V area you can find that information by clicking on the link. Low inventory will suggest that homes are selling quicker as buyers have little to choose from. Currently in this area, homes have a median time of 61 days on the market before they sell. Sellers should make sure to price their home near the market value if they expect to get an offer from one of those interested buyers. During the Spring season we may see an increase in activity as people are coming up the mountain on the weekends but with inventory at a low with 56 Active listings right now we may see prices hold steady.
If you are interested in how much current inventory is on the market in the CC-V area you can find that information by clicking on the link. Low inventory will suggest that homes are selling quicker as buyers have little to choose from. Currently in this area, homes have a median time of 61 days on the market before they sell. Sellers should make sure to price their home near the market value if they expect to get an offer from one of those interested buyers. During the Spring season we may see an increase in activity as people are coming up the mountain on the weekends but with inventory at a low with 56 Active listings right now we may see prices hold steady.
CC-V Real Estate Report Summary
The median list price in April for single family homes in the CC-V District is $334,500. The list prices increased by 9% from the previous month.
The price per square foot for listings in this area is $198.
The median sales price in April for single family homes in the CC-V District is $217,500. The list prices increased by 12% from the previous month.
The price per square foot for listings in this area is $198.
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To find out what you home is worth in the current market email me or call 719-648-2288.
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